Angular App Generators

 Hi Friends, This is Lakshman here.

As Initial, we have discussed best of option to "Setup Environment For Angular App Development."

Now, We will go through various "Generator " used to Create Angular Applications. 

Such Generator is 

  • Ngx-Rocket.
  • Nrwl.

Both Generator uses Base Angular CLI.


It provides an enterprise-grade project generator with Default GIT Support.

Its provides various features & supports, such as 

  • Web App. 
  • Mobile App (via Cordova).
  • Desktop App (via Electron).
  • PWA.
  • Cordova Platforms such as Android & iOS.
  • Cross-Platform Desktop Apps.
  • Analytics Support 
  • Language Support
  • Auto-Deploy to Azure, FireBase, etc.,

It Provides various Default UI Frameworks such as Angular Material, Ionic & Bootstrap with some Default Angular Practices, such as 

  • Authentication Module.
  • Lazy Loading.
  • Additional Tools & libraries for Angular. 


It provides an enterprise-grade project generator with Default GIT Support. Its created by Nrwl (Narwhal Technologies Inc).

Nx designed for MonoRepo development, It helps to build smarter and faster solutions.

It provides various features & supports, such as

  • Accurate Architecture Diagram.
  • Modern Tools & frameworks.
  • Workspaces.
  • Console for VS Code.
  • Single Set of Dependencies.
  • Migration for AngularJS & Angular-CLI
  • Plugins are JEST, Nest, express, etc.,

Ngx-Rocket Vs Nx:

Single RepoMono-Repo
Git Git 
Web, Mobile & Desktop AppsWeb & API Apps
Generate Deploy ScriptsNot Supported
Not SupportedSupport the AngularJS App
Nx ConsoleNx Console

Based on Project, we can either use anyone else use Default Base Angular-CLI.

On-road head, we will discuss a lot of things.

Looking forward to your comments and share your feedback.

Until that, I am Lakshman, Signing Off.





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