Debug Angular App

Hi Friends, This is Lakshman here.

As part of the Series "Angular Best Practices".

Today, We will Debug Angular App.


The pre-requisites are

Debug App

There are lot of option on debugging app, we are going to look only options below,

  • Via Debug For Chrome VS Code Extension
  • Via DevTools (All Browser)
  • Angular DevTools Browser Extension


  • Always Place Checkpoint on Code or Browser to debug
  • Evalvulate the value via Debug Console on VS Code or on Browser Dev Console.


  • Never type debugger; in any part of code.
  • Don't use console.log to check the values. It may lead to data privacy issues.

Some Snapshot

  • Debug on VS Code with Chrome Extensions
Via Chrome Extension

Via Chrome Extension

  • Debug on Chrome Browser
via Chrome Browser

via Chrome Browser

  • Debug via Angular DevTools
Via Angular DevTools

Via Angular DevTools

That wrap up the Debug Angular App

On-road head, we will discuss a lot of things.

Looking forward to your comments and share your feedback.

Until that, I am Lakshman, Signing Off.


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